March 19, 2009

{ ETSY MENTORS part 1 }

tablier beige 2

What a funny adventure …. and so exciting too. I can’t believe the wonderful people out there , so willing to help, to support and to give advices. can’t believe  the number of great bloggers who provide helpful hints . the reverse of the medal is I have  so many etsyshop – blog related bookmarks I shortly will need to buy a new computer and …. a new brain in the same time. mine is about to explode !!!



The list will be long but the least I can do is to name and thanks those “mentors” … Today I intended to  name a few of them but i really hahe had a rough day … I will just  feature one of them : etsy assisting sellers blog. I don’t know what I would have do without you guys !!! I will develop a little later. Now it’s recovering time. thanks again!!!

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