November 06, 2009

shy green tomato


As each year, I have aplenty unriped tomatoes from my garden . These delicious things  did not all have enough time to ripen. The sun is definitely gone now, they won’t have a chance… to put their gorgeous red dress on …

Well … I grant you that …the tomato below is not exactly a green tomato. I know I know there is some pale red on its belly …it is just because it is a shy tomato. wouldn’t you blush too if someone was photo shooting you your intimacy ??  …

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You will find below a little collection of recipes ….

♥ Classic but always a treat :: Fried Green Tomatoes with Spicy Bacon Dip  chez a bird in the kitchen.

Green Tomato Gratin with potato chez no recipes.

Curried green tomatoes, a quick side dish to serve with rice, tofu, chicken or fish chez the perfect pantry

Sweet mini pies with green tomatoes and almond paste chez  a cat in the kitchen.

Fried Green Tomatoes with Mozzarella chez Life’s ambrosia

♥♥ My very favorite green tomato recipe ::  Crispy fried green tomatoes with creamy mozzarella melted in between.

4 commentaires:

Dee Wilcox said...

I understand! And love the personality you gave your tomatoes. :)

We ended up with tons of rain and ten pounds of green tomatoes to bring in. I'm not a fan of fried green tomatoes in general, so we tried a trick - we lined a box with newspaper and placed it on the counter. Then, we carefully lined the bottom with tomatoes with a somewhat still-green banana. Just be careful not to bruise them.

Then, as they start to turn a golden orange, put them on a sunny window sill or your kitchen counter. And voila! We've ripened all but the last pound this way. :)

Dee Wilcox said...

Oh, sorry - you also need to cover the tomatoes with a layer or two of newspaper. :)

Christina said...

i LOVE fried green tomatoes w/bacon and goat cheese. oh my, i'm drooling now.

{kara} said...

i love how you write about a tomato. You should really write a life style book, about french, living, food, and beautiful hand made and vintage items. I will buy it! xoxo Sabine!
love kara

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