April 05, 2010


image twiggy*

Today we will be celebrating a very old tradition, still very popular in the area I live. It is called “Omelette pascale”, meaning Easter omelett. In the Pyreneas, this is a vivid tradition. Basically it is to celebrate the end of Lent and 40 days without eating a single  egg.

This will be the first picnic of the season. Each family will prepare their large frying pan ready for an omelette made with eggs, lardons,  sausage, why not some heads of asparagus, small artichokes, parsley, salt and pepper.
Everyone takes their crockery, cutlery and a very large pan (of course) up a mountain close to an oratoire or a chapel in the open air.The omelette is then ready to cook on both sides, it is then garnished and shared with  family members and friends. 
We also have a sugar omelett version  for dessert. After eating the little ones will have a nap , with the older ones, the kids will play soccer or badmington , while some of us will go for a walk in the countryside …

Such a blessed moment, especially when the sun decides to be present as it tends to be today …

4 commentaires:

zsazsazsu said...

and also yummy !!!

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

Love the idea, in some spanish villages they also do this kind of gatherings
Hope you had a great time!

Erin Wallace said...

This is a gorgeous blog! And your shop items are so delicious. I will be following your blog with anticipation.

alexkeller said...

sounds lovely! and much more delicious than deviled eggs!

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