April 04, 2009

{ fiesta & birthday }


Today My almost 20– year old romarin* were politely hosting a great party under its protective vegetal wings. The guests were all from the same family … probable surname : blabbermouth. I don’t know  if it was the cocktails but they were pretty …noisy. A sweet noise to my ears. But still …never ever underestimate the decibel emitted by …overexcited bees :)



Today is my sweet nephew Nolann’s birthday. 4 ans. 4 years old !!!  can’t believe it .. I still remember his birth… well to be accurate not his birth. But his first hours of life. It seems to me it was yesterday . In a snap you will be flirting …
And yes , you ‘re right. You are a big boy now. JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE.

2 commentaires:

this, that and the other.... said...

ahhhh rosemary, love, love the fragrance and the flavor. Can't believe yours are blooming already! I was actually thinking about you today while I was tending to my herb bed and wondering if you have rosemary, especially with you in the south of France. The bees do love the blooms.

Happy Birthday to your nephew! Four year old boys do like to think they are big boys, they have much to learn...

Lindsey Broere said...

Its crazy how quickly time passes when you're watching a little one grow, huh?

OH and the bee fiesta--adorable! It took me a minute to get it (I think its going to be a rather slow day for me today!) Thanks for the giggle...

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